LY vs LLY Variant
Ever want to compare your YoY values from last year to two years ago? Toolio now allows you to do so by selecting LY vs LLY variants directly in the view selector menu! You will find that six new variants pertaining to LY vs LLY have been added to support comparisons using variance and % variance between Act & Plan values.
Please read more about using Variants here.
Relative Filters in Master Data Models
Toolio now supports Relative Filters in all Master Data models! This allows you to filter for data on the fly to quickly return lines where a condition involving two attributes are met. You can save these filters directly to your view, export the data, or even schedule them for delivery.
You can read more about using the master data models here.
Time Frame Management Improvements
The Time Frames section within your Settings Menu now allows you to delete any Time Frames you do not want to see in Toolio. This allows you to clear out old Time Frames or ones which are infrequently used so that they do not collude your Time Frame selector when configuring views.
Please read more about using Time Frames here.
Feature Requests & Toolio's Roadmap
Be sure to check out our Roadmap for other planned features and updates to Toolio. Is there a feature you think would be a great addition? Let us know here!