Save Scenarios to View
In Merchandise Planning you can now save the scenario and scenario comparisons on the View. When you select that View in the future, any previously saved scenarios or scenario comparisons will display.
Scenarios are still shared between different Views and different modules. So if you have a Planning View and a Finance View, the same scenario will be shared between the two. Similarly, your scenarios in the Merchandise Planning module, will be shared with the Assortment Planning module. You can find more information on scenario playing here.
Display Totals in Item Planning
In Item Planning you are able to Show Totals for your item level demand plans. At a glance you can see summary level information and adjust your plans accordingly. To display the Total row, use the Group By function and check the box for Show Totals.

Variance Variant
Evaluating variance is a key component of a healthy planning workflow. Toolio now allows you to select variance (in dollars and units) directly as a variant for all metrics (please note that percent variance is still available separately).
By selecting any variants that begin with Var, you can now easily evaluate the difference in dollar and unit values between two sets of data.

You can read more about metric & variants in Toolio and customizing metric variants to fit your planning workflows. You can also reference our entire library of variants in the variant glossary.
On Order to Receipts Flowing
Toolio now enables you to flow on order quantities directly into receipts, simplifying the in-season planning workflow. This function is particularly useful when you do not have the ability to cancel or adjust the due date for products which are on order.
By synchronizing on order quantities with your receipt plan, you can better evaluate your projected inventory position.
You can read more about flowing on order to receipts and step by step instructions here.